Fostering Collaboration and Innovation
Over the 36-month duration of the ONEforest project, numerous exchange and collaboration initiatives were established with other projects, networks, and organizations.
Highlights include:
- Webinar Series "Exploring Forest Resilience"** in partnership with the RESONATE project.
- Webinars organized by LIFE Soria Forest Adapt, LIFE Alnus Taejo, and ONEforest, aimed at Heads of Forestry in the Junta de Castilla y León.
- Subscription to the communication list of the Forest Communicators Network.
- Final Conference – Session on "EU Forestry Networking: State of the Art", featuring the ERIAFF Network, Model Forest Network, Bioregions Facility, Innovawood Network, and FAO SilvaMediterranea.
- Final Conference – Session on "HORIZON EUROPE Projects Related to Forestry"**, with participation from RESONATE, EUFORE, FOREST4EU, and SMURF.
Explore these collaborations and discover the collective strides we've made towards advancing forestry resilience and innovation.