Venue: Valladolid (Spain)
The ONEforest Final Conference will thoroughly explore and celebrate the project's accomplishments, with a particular focus on its groundbreaking contributions to the Multicriteria Decision Support System. Furthermore, the conference will spotlight the innovative developments in the European forestry sector under the Horizon Europe Program, with the active participation of key European networks dedicated to forestry.

Venue: Hamburg (Germany)
FEMS2023 is the biggest event in Europe this year dedicated to showcasing the latest developments across the broad scope of microbiology.
ONEforest participated with a poster exhibition.

Over the last decades, the bi-annual BAGECO symposium has established itself as a leading European conference in Bacterial genetics and ecology, and having to postpone the symposium for two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a great loss. Therefore, I am thrilled to finally announce the upcoming symposium BAGECO 2023 – interactions across microbial ecosystems, to be held in Copenhagen.

Venue: Catania (Italy)
To celebrate 25 years of Macrogiovani, AIM cordially invites you to Macrogiovani2023 (MG2023), which will be held at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Catania (Catania, Italy) on June 21-23 2023.
MG2023 aims to bring together researchers working in the field of Macromolecular Science and Technology from academia and industry. The participants will be able to present their studies in an informal and positive context, exchange knowledge and experiences, gain new perspectives on their work, and foster new collaborations.

Venue: Ischia (Italy)
The 11th Conference on “Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites” is organized by Italian groups on polymer science and composites. Conference provides a forum for scientists and engineers throughout the world interested in the timescales of polymers and composites processing, structure and properties. As time is the driving concept in the polymer science community, TOP-Conferences include sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects.

Venue: Hannover (Germany)
LIGNA is the world's leading trade fair for woodworking and wood processing plants, machinery, and tools, from all over the world to discover innovative machinery, plant, and technology from across the entire wood industry. Global market leaders welcome this opportunity to stage live demonstrations of their plant and machinery in operation.
ONEforest participates in with the presentation titled " Wood supply security in the field between climate protection and bioeconomy - How can the EU project ONEforest contribute?".

Venue: Tutzing, Germany
Language: German
The Technical University of Munich and Evangelische Akademie Tutzing organised the event "Auf ins neue Holzzeitalter - Wie kostbar ist Holz?" conducted in German.
ONEforest will be presented by Veronika Auer (from Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences) who will present "Holz in der Bioökonomie – von der Vision zur Umsetzung?".

Venue: Tutzing, Germany
Language: German
This is a two-day conference about wood-based bioeconomy at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences. Sandra Krommes from ONEforets will present about environmental assessment in bioeconomy and also ONEforest. The title of her presentation is: "Bioökonomie – welchen Beitrag kann die Ökobilanzierung leisten?"
Event: 5th Edition of the Forest Innovation Workshop
Venue: Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union in Brussels (Belgium)
The 5th edition of the European Forest Innovation Workshop devoted to Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of Regions on Innovation in Forest Management, Use of Wood and Forest-related Services. ONEforest will participate in with the presentation “A decision support system for optimizing forest ecosystem services in the context of a wood-based bioeconomy” at the Break-out Session Provision of Ecosystem Services.

Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2022
Venue: Chicago, USA
AGU Fall Meeting 2022, organised by American Geophysical Union, is the international conference dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences.
ONEforest participates with a presentation addressed by partners of the University of Tartu. The PhD student Bikash Kharel presents the "Effects of elevated air humidity and soil moisture on carbon-based secondary metabolites in leaves and fine roots of silver birch based on tree competitive status".