
Work in progress by CTFC (video)
Within the ONEforest project, CTFC (Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya) partner is leading a study that aimed at elucidating the effects of different management options on forest drought stress and water balance in several Pinus nigra forests located in Spain, Italy, & Slovenia. CTFC has prepared the protocols & work plan for the study, including the pairing of plots with different forest typologies: young, adult, and mature forests, and uneven forests. We have visited selected paired plots in Catalonia to take soil and wood core samples. 

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/HmgovprYNRs



Progress on the Mediterranean pine experimental site (video)

On 20th July, CESEFOR partner established two plots in Cañón del Río Lobos. This is part of one action of the work package “Silviculture and management of Mediterranean forests”  from ONEforest for a European study to evaluate the effect of different management schedules on the water balance of Pinus nigra stands.

Different sites were evaluated to determine the most representative Pinus nigra stands in the area. One of the plots was established as control, without forest management intervention in the last 30 years and another one was established in a site managed in the last 15 years.

This is a Mediterranean pine experimental site that will be part of a European network with plots in Catalonia, Slovenia, and Italy.