
Newsletter #4 is available

The latest ONEforest project newsletter issue 4 is out and ready for your reading pleasure!

Discover the captivating connection between human health and the well-being of our forests, as our newsletter takes you on a deep dive into this fascinating topic. Explore the remarkable advancements made in our Mediterranean Pilot project, where groundbreaking research is shaping the future of sustainable forestry.

But that's not all! We have new studies to share, shedding light on key insights and trends within the field. Get to know our incredible partners through engaging video interviews, where they share their expertise and passion for forest conservation.

And remember, our joint "Exploring Forest Resilience" webinar with the Resonate project continues to provide valuable knowledge and inspiration. Don't miss out on these collaborative sessions!

Stay connected to the ONEforest project by subscribing to our newsletter today. Receive the latest updates, thought-provoking articles, and exclusive content delivered straight to your inbox.