
ONEforest at Estonia's Forestry Conference

On December 1st, the findings of ONEforest Estonian studies took center stage at the prestigious National Annual Forestry Conference, themed "From Forest Science to Practice 2023," held in Tartu, Estonia. The research, spearheaded by Tea Tullus and Reimo Lutter from the Estonian University of Life Science, focused on critical aspects of forest ecology within the framework of the ONEforest project.


ONEforest at SwissForestLab Science Day


On October 6, the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research WSL, in partnership with the University of Ljubljana (ULJ), presented a compelling poster at the SwissForestLab Science Day. The poster, titled "Managing Alpine Forests with Close-to-Nature Forestry for Climate Mitigation and Multifunctionality," encapsulated the findings of the Alpine Case Study Region. This research has important implications for the sustainable management of forests in the face of climate change.


Newsletter #4 is available

The latest ONEforest project newsletter issue 4 is out and ready for your reading pleasure!

Discover the captivating connection between human health and the well-being of our forests, as our newsletter takes you on a deep dive into this fascinating topic. Explore the remarkable advancements made in our Mediterranean Pilot project, where groundbreaking research is shaping the future of sustainable forestry.


Newest results from Sweden presented in Estonian Conference 

On 4 April, ONEforest participated in the Conference "The Future of Forestry in Estonia in Changing Climatic Conditions", organised by the OÜ Eesti Metsataim and Estonian University of Life Sciences, in Tartu (Estonia).

The conference aimed at addressing the future of silviculture in Estonia in the condition of climate changes while giving an overview of new silviculture methods and techniques.


First General Assembly Meeting in 2022

Between 16 – 17 February the ONEforest consortium hosted the first General Assembly Meeting of 2022 in an online format to discuss the progress and developments carried out so far.  

At first this event should have taken place in Solsona (Spain) – in the CTFC facilities - but due to COVID-19 restrictions, it was online instead. So, the scheduled Field Trip to the Case Study Region in  Catalonia -Pinus nigra forests management and harvesting operations- could not take place. However, CTFC partners showed this pilot virtually.