
ONEforest Case Study Regions on a good track

The success of future silvicultural management and forest operations depends on an exchange of experiences and activation of knowledge between the different regions, and that is why in ONEforest we work in four regions - following Europe’s biogeographical regions, which are Mediterranean forests, Alpine forests, Continental forests and Boreal/ Hemi-boreal forests. Through them, the project studies forest ecosystem services and their corresponding value to stakeholders. Let's find out the current status of these Case Study Regions (CSRs) after the first year of the project.  


Newsletter #2 is out

The 2nd issue of the ONEForest Newsletter is out! Here you could find out the work in progress on the Case Study Regions and in the Multi-Criteria Decision Support System until September 2022.  But also you could watch the new Webinar Series "Exploring Forest Resilience" and read the latest news. 

Read it here


Paper: Timber tensile strength in mixed stands of European beech

Our partners from the Technical University of Munich have published the open-access paper titled “Timber tensile strength in mixed stands of European beech”.

The conversion to climate-stable, resilient and productive forests has resulted in an increasing share of mixed stands. Different growth conditions and silvicultural treatments lead to an increased scatter in strength compared to what is expected from monoculture experience. This study quantified the magnitude of variation in the strength of European beech timber from stands of different compositions and showed the impact of grading on the characteristic strength value of timber coming from those stands.