
Ljubljana hosted the ONEforest General Assembly Meeting

Between 26 – 28 September the ONEforest consortium celebrated its second General Assembly Meeting of 2022 in Ljubljana, hosted by the University of Ljubljana - Biotechnical Faculty, to discuss the progress and developments carried out so far.  

After 16 months into the project, partners were happy to finally meet all in person and have a general overview of the work carried out so far and jointly discuss the challenges and improvements needed in some issues. Given that the project faces its first reporting period in December, this meeting was key to justifying that ONEforest is on the right track to achieve the defined impacts.


First webinar of the "Exploring Forest Resilience" 

ONEforest & RESONATE projects have joined forces to organize the webinar series "Exploring Forest Resilience", which is an open science initiative to share knowledge and connect researchers. In each webinar researchers of both projects will give a pitch focused on a own research. 

In this first webinar, Marju Kaivapalu (ONEforest) addresses "The uptake of heavy metals in hybrid aspen plantations" and Laura Nikinmaa (Resonate) presents "Enhancing the resilience of European forests - from concept to forest management application".

Let's explore forest resilience with ONEforest & RESONATE researchers!

Watch the webinar #1 here: https://youtu.be/YffItsHvZp4





Progress on the Mediterranean pine experimental site (video)

On 20th July, CESEFOR partner established two plots in Cañón del Río Lobos. This is part of one action of the work package “Silviculture and management of Mediterranean forests”  from ONEforest for a European study to evaluate the effect of different management schedules on the water balance of Pinus nigra stands.

Different sites were evaluated to determine the most representative Pinus nigra stands in the area. One of the plots was established as control, without forest management intervention in the last 30 years and another one was established in a site managed in the last 15 years.

This is a Mediterranean pine experimental site that will be part of a European network with plots in Catalonia, Slovenia, and Italy.


Paper: Timber tensile strength in mixed stands of European beech

Our partners from the Technical University of Munich have published the open-access paper titled “Timber tensile strength in mixed stands of European beech”.

The conversion to climate-stable, resilient and productive forests has resulted in an increasing share of mixed stands. Different growth conditions and silvicultural treatments lead to an increased scatter in strength compared to what is expected from monoculture experience. This study quantified the magnitude of variation in the strength of European beech timber from stands of different compositions and showed the impact of grading on the characteristic strength value of timber coming from those stands.


First-ever Nature Restoration Law

Yesterday, the European Commission adopted pioneering proposals proposal for a Nature Restoration Law to restore damaged ecosystems and bring nature back across Europe, from forests, agricultural land, and seas, to urban environments. This is the first-ever legislation that explicitly targets the restoration of Europe's nature, repairing the 80% of European habitats that are in poor condition, and bringing back nature to all ecosystems.

The law prepared by the European Commission will now be examined by the European Parliament and the Council.


PhDs from Trento presented their first research on ONEforest 

On 13 June, Alessandro Sorze, PhDs student at the Laboratory of the Department of Industrial Engineering (University of Trento), presented their research on the ONEforest project at the event “PHDII – let’s restart together”, organized by this department. The University of Trento is a partner of the consortium of the ONEforest project.

The PhDs presented their work focused on top-soil cover (TSC) and ground-soil cover(GSC) engineering and planting. They are developing GSC based on biopolymer Xanthan gum (X) dissolved in water and mixed with wood fibers (W) and TSC based on xanthan gum, crosslinked with citric acid and wood fibers.


Novel biopolymer-based composites as soil conditioners to promote plant growth and forest protection

"Novel biopolymer-based composites as soil conditioners to promote plant growth and forest protection" will be the abstract presented by Alessandro Sorze, Andrea Dorigato, Giulia Fredi, Alessandro Pegoretti from University of Trento at the coming events Milan Polymer Days 2022 (MIPOL), and the  European Polymer Congress 2022. Both events are taking place in June.

The 6th edition of the Milan Polymer Days International congress takes place in hybrid form from 19 - 21 June 2022 in Milan (Italy), is aimed to provide a forum in which scientific communication relates to all disciplines of polymer science and technology and to attract scientists with different backgrounds, both academic and industrial.


Partners of the Alpine Case Study Region met

Between 8-10 May, the meeting of the work package group on “Silviculture and management of Alpine forests” took place in Davos (Switzerland). Fourteen partners from WSL, University of Ljubljana, Libera Universita Di Bolzano, University of Gottingen, Estonian University of Life Science, and Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences attended and discussed the project work and discovered the Alpine case study region.


Paper: Timber strength variation due to establishment density — can grading cope with it?

Our partners from the Technical University of Munich have published the scientific publication (non-open access) “Timber strength variation due to establishment density — can grading cope with it?” in the Forestry Journal.

This paper is connected to the ONEforest work package "Requirements of the stakeholders and societal demands". 


ONEforest presented in North Carolina 

The ONEforest project landed in USA this May. Why? To be presented at the 2022 Short Rotation Woody Crops International Conference in Asheville (North Carolina, USA) by EULS.

Between 2-4 May, Marju Kaivapalu and Reeno Sopp, Ph.D. students from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EULS), presented respectively “The uptake of heavy metals and their allocation of hybrid aspen plantations on former agricultural lands and a reclaimed Aidu oil shale quarry“ and “Twenty years of short -rotation forestry with silver birch and hybrid aspen in hemiboreal Europe: productivity and soil nutritional status“ as part of the works on Silviculture and management of Boreal Forest.